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My Approach

I provide counselling in person, virtually or over the phone, to ensure that clients are comfortable and can access services wherever they are at in life and physically located.

My goals as a counsellor are to provide a safe place to foster meaningful relationships and develop effective short-term and long-term plans to assist with achieving client goals. My strengths include, assisting clients to obtain resources, enhance support networks and well-being, and assist with developing coping skills. I am passionate about working with youth and adults who are experiencing persistent symptoms of concussion and related problems like depression and anxiety. My work with youth and addiction is a primary focus in my practice.


I have a foundation of mindfulness in my practice that is influenced by Dialetical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), along with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Solution-Focused Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. Promoting self-compassion and self-care, especially in the context of post-concussion and addiction, will be key to the underlying foundation of our work together. Self-care is prioritized in my life; therefore, I encourage a balanced lifestyle, incorporating self-care practices, with my clients. I always practice with a trauma-informed lens, with the goal being clients feeling safe to share what they need to promote change.

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